
Price of iron concentrates in China domestic districts on June 1st

作者:1180 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-06-01 文字大小:【大】【中】【小】
Price of iron concentrates in China domestic districts on June 1st
Origin Grade EXW (yuan/ ton)   2020-6-1
Beipiao 66%(wet) Inclu-sive Tax   620
Gong-chang-ling 65%(wet) Inclusive Tax   640
Fushun 66% Tax   730
Tonghua 66% Tax   769
Tangshan 66% Tax   850
Hanxin 66% Inclusi-ve Tax ↑819 883
Luzhong&-Jinlin 65% Tax   930
Daixian Fe64%(wet) Inclusiv-e Tax   670
Fanchang 65% Tax   860
Xuzhou 65% Tax   960
Huaiji 64%(wet) Inclusive Tax   640
Daye 63% Tax   770
Kunming 60% Inclusive Tax   495